
Vitamin D Deficiency Test



newfoundland Health Screening Tests - Vitamin D Deficiency Test

Dam Health’s vitamin D test measures the level of vitamin D in your blood to make sure you have enough for your body to work efficiently. Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and teeth. It also helps keep your muscles, nerves, and immune system working normally.

Virtually every cell in our body has receptors for Vitamin D, meaning that they all require “sufficient” levels of Vitamin D for adequate functioning. The health risks associated with Vitamin D deficiency are far more severe than previously thought.

Having low levels of vitamin D is a common problem that can lead to bone disorders and other medical problems. Vitamin D testing can let you know if you need to increase your vitamin D levels.

You get vitamin D in a number of ways:

Your body makes vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight.
You get vitamin D from certain foods such as egg yolks and fatty fish.
Vitamin D is added to foods, including breakfast cereals, milk, and other dairy items.
You can take vitamin D supplements.
Dam Health’s home Vitamin D self-test helps you monitor Vitamin D levels through a simple finger-prick collection. The result will be read according to the colour card provided with the kit.

To serve as a procedural control, a coloured line will always appear in the control line region indicating that proper volume of specimen has been added and membrane wicking has occurred. ... read more on product DAM Health page

Last checked price : GBP 9.59


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